By booking from the site you will have:
Flexibility in booking management
Choice of free bed type
Upgrade to a higher category based on availability and best price guarantee
Free outdoor garage included

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How to get here

getting to Bologna

By Train
SHG Hotel Bologna is directly connected to Bologna Centrale train station. From piazzale Ovest, platform 7, get on Bologna Vignola suburban train line and get off at Pilastrino stop. The hotel is right opposite the stop.
Check the timetables!

By car
A1 - A13 - A14 highway, exit CASALECCHIO DI RENO. Get to Asse Attrezzato Nuova Bazzanese towards MARANELLO - VIGNOLA and take exit MONTE S. PIETRO-TOLE' - ZOLA PREDOSA; turn left at the end of the ramp.

SHG Offers

For a dream stay

Hotel Bologna, Zola Pedrosa

HALF BOARD OFFER Free Cancellation #ibookonthewebsite

Ideal offer for those who need to book our dinner service. Book now the best ...